Craig Bryant


Craig has been working for Verizon Communications in multiple roles since 1994, and currently serves as the Regional Engineering Program Manager for the MDV area, managing network fiber transformation.  He earned his AAS in Mechanical Engineering Technology and Bachelor of Technology in Electromechanical Engineering Technology.  He completed his Master of Science in Information Systems from Pace University.  Additionally, he completed a Certificate of IS Security with Villanova University.  He is an active member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated, and serving Deacon at Union Baptist Church in Greenburgh, NY.  He enjoys mentoring those striving for achievement and advancement in their personal and professional growth, as well as his Pittsburgh Steelers and Philadelphia 76ers.

Your profession. Engineering Regional Program Manager

Your education

Pace University – Master of Science, Information Systems, 

NYC Technical College – Bachelor of Technology, Electromechanical Engineering Technology

NYC Technical College – Associate of Applied Science, Mechanical Engineering Technology

Villanova University – Certificate of IS Security

Not more than 3-4 Community Affiliations with title including Kappa Alpha Psi. 

One sentence about yourself that you would like to share.

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